Quick-Fire Q&A with 3 Running Experts

| MNB Team

Running has emerged as a leading form of movement in the world of physical activity. Once considered an activity for a select few, running has experienced increased popularity, with a wide range of people jumping on the bandwagon and sharing their journey. We sat down with three passionate runners - Annabelle Ronnfeldt, Caity Viant and Emily Merrin - to ask them some quick-fire running related questions.

What's your go to pre-run snack?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: Honey and banana on crumpets.

Caity Viant: It would have to be dates with crunchy peanut butter.

Emily Merrin: Ok controversial but Killer Pythons. If you know, you know! (And yes, even if it’s 5am).

Favourite running route?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: Either down towards South Bank if I'm running in Brisbane or Gold Coast down towards Coolangatta along the beach.

Caity Viant: Probably Newstead out to Toowong.

Emily Merrin: I do really love running the Light House in Byron. It's an absolute hell of a time, not in a good way. But when you get there and it's sunrise, it is just beautiful. So, that's definitely my favourite at the moment.

Do you prefer running in the morning, afternoon, or evening?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: Honestly, whenever I have the motivation.

Caity Viant: Morning 100%.

Emily Merrin: Morning! I definitely have to run in the morning because there's a lot of excuses that come up after 12pm.

Do you listen to a podcast or music when running?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: Music.

Caity Viant: Music only.

Emily Merrin: I usually listen to music, but I like to run with people most of the time. So, I do like to yap.

Anabelle Ronnfeldt, Caity Viant and Emily Merrin on the Brisbane Story Bridge

Long distance or sprinting?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: I’m going to say long distance because I'm currently Marathon training.

Caity Viant: I prefer sprinting, but I definitely have to be in the right mood and have the motivation that day.

Emily Merrin: There are so many things that draw me to long distance.

Favourite post-run recovery routine?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: Sauna.

Caity Viant: It would have to be boots, sauna, and ice bath. That's probably the best combo!

Emily Merrin: On the floor, feet against the wall or the couch.

Best piece of running advice?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: Forget about pace. Don't get caught up in what everyone else is doing. Just go slow because it'll make it easier in the long run.

Caity Viant: Just have fun and enjoy the journey, and you'll get there in the end.

Emily Merrin: You need to run slow to run fast. And of course, enjoy it!

Most memorable race experience?

Anabelle Ronnfeldt: Probably my first Half Marathon last year. I absolutely died but I got it done. So, that one is definitely ingrained in my brain.

Caity Viant: It would have to be my first Half Marathon.

Emily Merrin: Last year I did the Melbourne Marathon, and it was amazing. I cried when I came across the finish line — it was amazing!

Anabelle Ronnfeldt running across the Brisbane Story Bridge
Lorna Jane Collection - Reflective Run

Lorna Jane Collection - Reflective Run